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Hiding Place


For anyone, male or female, that has endured the pain of being raped, molested, emasculated or bullied into an identity crisis, God is able to heal you completely. Our desire is to move beyond awareness to healing and empowerment by the Word of God. We start in April with weekly online sessions based on the book "Ravaged Relentlessly: Biblical Help for Those Overcoming Sexual Crime."



The format is simplistic:

  1. We meet once a week online on Wednesdays at 10:00 am, 1:00 pm or 4:00 pm EST. You can remain anonymous if you wish. Just listen in and type your questions and comments onto the screen. Your name does not appear or your picture, only the host. We will be using the Facebook, YouTube and Zoom platforms. Select the one you prefer.

  2. We will even have special guests from all areas of life to walk with us on this journey, including licensed Christian Counselors, Advocates and Artists. 

  3. We use four books from our SINCERE library: "No Praise In The Grave", "The Prayer Pact", "Think On These Things" and "Ravaged Relentlessly"

  4. We engage in special activities that help us to improve our focus, our health, our prayer life and our witness for Christ. 

  5. We ask that you remain in the program for each of the four, 6-week sessions. 

  6. Donations of any amount are welcomed, but not required to participate.

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